Combating Maryland’s Opioid Overdose Crisis

May 30, 2024

The overdose epidemic is a national crisis, and for millions of Americans, it is personal.  Too many families have lost their children, siblings, parents, and friends to substance misuse and overdose.  Every loss is a painful reminder that we must take bold action to end our Nation’s overdose epidemic.” President Joseph R. Biden – August 25, 2023 

      Several months ago, I sat down with a man whose son died as a result of an opioid overdose. He explained that should overdose reversal medications like Naloxone be made more accessible to the public, lives could be saved. So, we went to work and drafted legislation that would ensure Naloxone is co-located with all Automated External Defibrillators in every public building throughout the state of Maryland. I am happy to report that earlier this month Governor Moore signed that bill into law.

       Maryland has the unfortunate distinction of being one of the top 5 states for opioid-related deaths in the nation. Our state has seen a 400% increase in opioid-related deaths over the last decade, and in Baltimore City the fatal overdose rate has quadrupled since 2013, leaving nearly 6,000 Baltimoreans dead in the last 6 years.

       Many of these deaths were preventable if medications like Naloxone were more publicly accessible. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in nearly 40% of overdose deaths, someone else was present and potentially able to administer lifesaving aid. The co-location of Naloxone, which has a 95% overdose reversal success rate, empowers bystanders to actively intervene in the event of a fatal overdose and will save lives.

        This new law will undoubtedly save lives and I thank the individual who came to me with this idea. His willingness to share his story will enable countless to live out theirs.

        If you or anyone you know is in need of treatment and or resources for substance misuse, please direct them to Maryland’s Office of Overdose Response at


All the best,

Will Smith

State Senator

Chairman, Judicial Proceedings Committee